Professional Development Fund

KAAN professional development awards provide current KAAN members the opportunity to seek funding to grow and expand as professionals. There are two deadlines for applying for professional development funds: August 15 and December 15.

Please review the following policies before submitting an application for a professional development award.

  • All award recipients must be current KAAN members. Non-members are not eligible to receive funding. A non-member may apply for funding provided they become a member before award recipients are determined.
  • Preference will be given to applicants who can show how the professional development relates to their role in academic advising.
  • Preference will be given to applicants who have not received an award in the last 12 months.
  • All complete and eligible applications are considered by KAAN’s professional development fund committee (chair, vice chair, and treasurer).
  • All awards will be based on availability of funds.
  • Awards will be capped at $500 per person.
  • An award may not be combined with the Best of KAAN award.
  • Current members of the KAAN steering committee are not eligible to receive professional development funds during their term of office. However, KAAN steering committee members are eligible for the Best of KAAN award, given at the annual KAAN conference.
  • KAAN will only reimburse an individual after the completion of their activity.
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