2016 KAAN Annual Conference

#KAAN2016 Kansas Academic Advising Network Annual Conference Sept. 9, 2016 with photo showing Jayhawk sculpture at KU Edwards Campus

RED, WHITE, & MOVE: Variations on Transition Efforts (VoTE)

KAAN 2016 Annual State Conference

September 9, 2016

The annual KAAN conference provides an opportunity for members to convene in one location to collaborate, learn, and share information with members of the association.

KAAN Annual Conference Program

Opening and Welcome: Beth Stuewe, KAAN Past Chair

Keynote Presentation
Breeze Richardson
Communications Chair, Kansas Board of Regents

See Richardson’s demo of a new online tool to compare academic programs across KBOR institutions, called KSDegreeStats.org: Watch video

Concurrent Sessions I

Concurrent Sessions II

Keynote Presentation
“Engagement in Advising” [view slides]
Dr. Don Saucier
Psychology, Kansas State University

Concurrent Sessions III

KAAN Business Meeting and Awards

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