KAAN Conference 2016: Concurrent Sessions 1

9:45-10:35 a.m.

Degree in 3:
Three degrees, three institutions, three years

Lauren McEnaney, Sharla Cruse, & Sandy Leppin University of Kansas, Edwards Campus
Loralee Stevens-Johnson County Community College
This session will provide an overview to a partnership between three school districts in Johnson County, Kansas, Johnson County Community College’s existing Concurrent Enrollment program and the University of Kansas Edwards (KC Metro) campus. Presenters will discuss challenges recruiting high school students to a regional branch campus. The Degree in 3 program guides students through to a bachelor’s degree three years after high school with collaboration between their high school, community college and four year university. Specific degree plans and promotional materials will be provided.

Advising Syllabus:
We’ve created one and so can you!

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Sarah Buchanan, Zac Malcolm, Caroline Skov, Kelly Briggs, & Beth Stuewe
Kansas State University
Kansas State University is in its pilot phase of using its newly-created academic advising syllabus. During this session, we will discuss how we did it (history, development, and implementation), share our syllabus with you, and allow time for you or a group from your institution to start brainstorming a syllabus for your campus.

Re-Engaging Stop Outs

Samantha Montague & Denise Farmer University of Kansas

Learn how KU used internal data to identify stop outs close to graduation, and worked with those students to complete their KU degree, primarily with online options. We will focus on working with departmental partners to redesign curriculum to meet the needs of stop out students, and advising this adult learner population to keep them engaged through to degree completion.

EAB/SSC at KU: Alphabet Soup and Student Retention Software

Dawn Shew & Bridget Bradley University of Kansas
With an institutional charge to reach 90% retention and 70% graduation by the year 2022, the University of Kansas began utilizing EAB retention software in Fall 2013. Using this tool as a piece of their advising arsenal, advisors have had a greater amount of data at their fingertips. They can use this data to improve advising and student retention to graduation by creating target advising campaigns to specific student populations. EAB is part of an alphabet soup of software options aimed at utilizing data to maximize efficiency and customize advising—but what does that look like day to day? Session participants will learn about EAB software, and gain ideas about how technology can be used to inform advising.

Advising Lessons from Arthur Chickering’s Life

Alyssa Mustard-Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus Brittany Hughes-Fort Hays State University
Arthur Chickering, though known as an amazing contributor to student development research, was not the ideal student. In this session we will look at the life of Art Chickering and begin to recognize the struggles he went through that are very similar to ones we come up against in our daily meetings with students. Arthur Chickering is well known for his theory, The Seven Vectors. The vectors include: Developing competence, Moving through Autonomy toward Interdependence, Developing Mature Interpersonal relationships, Establishing Identity, Developing Purpose, and Developing Integrity. The seven vectors can be used as a filter when engaging student development. Let’s look at how to apply these vectors to our advising sessions.

Improving Veterans Opportunities To Excel (I VOTE)
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Chris Bowers explains key takeaways from his session: Watch video
Nick Marshall, Chris Bowers, & April Gutowski Washburn University
There are close to one million military veterans on America’s college campuses. But what do we know about this sizeable population? And, perhaps as importantly, what are we doing as higher education professionals to serve them? Come to this session to learn how one institution – Washburn University – has adopted a full-throated range of success initiatives aimed at student veterans. Two higher education professionals and one student veteran will explain how Washburn University is now better responding to the needs of student veterans and working to ensure their success in the future.

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