KAAN Conference 2016: Concurrent Sessions 2

10:45-11:35 a.m.

The Business School Experience: How KU Business is Retaining Students
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Georgiana Spear, Baden Fox, & Shu Tosaka – University of Kansas
The KU School of Business is retaining students between the freshman and sophomore year at a higher rate than the university. This presentation will share the details of the Business School Experience program: a series of 3 seminar courses targeting incoming freshman majoring in business that meet or exceed admission criteria of a 25 ACT and 3.25 HS GPA. Presenters will discuss history of the program, evolution of course content over the last four years, best practices, and retention and graduation data.

Knowing your Veteran Advisee
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Michele Casavant & Nate Coney, University of Kansas
This presentation will address the unique needs and talents of veteran students. It will offer an understanding of the cultural transition that veteran student experience and ways that advisors and faculty can help support these students during this process. We will address resources available to help support veteran students and offer a unique perspective on the experiences of this exceptional population.

Transition not transfer:Tearing down the 2+2
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Dan Mueller, University of Kansas, Edwards Campus
Alicia Bredehoeft, Johnson County Community College
As advisors we know that students swirl between our institutions. The new Degree Partnership Program (DPP) between JCCC and KU seeks to address this issue, not by fighting it but by embracing it. Instead of asking how we can get students to stop swirling, we wanted to make the process better. This session will address current research in the field of transfer, advising, dual enrollment, co-advising, outreach and collaboration between a community college and a university, shared resources and programming. Learn how to take these ideas and implement them at your institution as well as ask questions and collaborate.

Required First Year Advising of Exceptionally Admitted Students

Heather Moore & Scott Voos, Kansas State University
Attendees will learn of how our public, land grant research university has developed a first year exceptional admission program in reaction to Kansas’ change in admission criteria.  Emphasis will focus on individual meeting components, the progression of the meeting topics throughout the semester and what practices we have found that have been successful leading into the program’s fourth year and addressing the challenges and triumphs of considerable unexpected growth.

Intentional Academic Advising through 5 Student Research and Peer Educators

Christina Foreman & Alexis Winter, Washburn University
At Washburn University, student research assistants and peer educators have become an integral part of assisting in the success of the Academic Advising Department. Our student research assistants compile DFW rates and “spot check” student athlete and probation student schedules, these are just a few of their many responsibilities. The peer educators assist in our Washburn Experience course, and as one of their duties, they assist their students in assembling a four-year academic plan to graduation. Learn about using student research assistants and peer educators to promote student success through academic advising.

Cross-Unit Advisor Collaboration
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Sarah Howe, Kansas State University
Students often have more than one advisor, or in addition to their advisor, they also have an academic coach or other professional assigned to them. Wouldn’t it be great if students could have one place where all their advisors keep their long-range plan on track?
This year we piloted a new way to collaborate between offices and departments in order to create a uniform message in an easily accessible place that puts degree ownership back on the student. In this session we will discuss this highly reviewed method and identify ways that it could work for you!

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