KAAN Conference 2018: Breakout Session I

10:00-10:50 a.m.

“It’s Not About the Nail”: Mapping, Managing, and Monitoring Change and CrisisNick X. Dean & Thomas Dean
Kansas State University & Children’s Division, Department of Social Services-State of Missouri

This interactive, discussion-based presentation will educate people about “Signs of Safety”, a strengths-based social work tool that con- siders how best to effect long-term personal change after both the concerns and strengths of an individual have been considered. This tool centers on a Three Column mapping strategy that asks, first, “What are we worried about?”, then, “What’s working well?”, and, finally, “What needs to happen?”. This tool has the potential to great- ly inform and improve the work academic advisors do with students, and, in particular, gives a useful framework when working with stu- dents deemed to be academically “atrisk”. Photos

The Art of Advancement: Creating a Core Competency Based Career Ladder for Academic Advisors
Ashley Thomas & Bradford Cunningham
Kansas State University

While there is limited research available regarding career ladder development specific to academic advisors, a task force of advisors at Kansas State University initiated a grassroots development of a career ladder proposal that is currently being considered for implementation at the institution. Keeping the diverse structure of cross-campus advising models in mind, this proposal has been developed upon the foundation of the recently released NACADA Core Competencies. By joining our presentation, you will gain a basic understanding of the development process at K-State, brainstorm and learn from col- leagues about their ideas regarding career ladder development, and obtain a copy of the proposed structure designed by the K-State advising community. 

Shocker Pathway: Addressing Transfer Shock 
Jenna Randall
Wichita State University

The Shocker Pathway (SP) program is a partnership between WSU Tech (WSUT) and Wichita State University (WSU). Students in the SP program take 50 credit hours of general education credits at WSUT before transitioning to WSU to complete at least 15 hours of approved coursework to earn their Associate of Arts (AA). SP programming addresses transfer shock in students by providing a supportive and engaging atmosphere through intrusive advising. This cohesive effort by both institutions provides students a seamless transfer between the entities.

Avoiding a catastrophe: Navigating the pitfalls of a split
advising model and working with faculty advisors 

Jared Burton, Morgan Mathews, Becca McKenzie, Kate Bergman,
Dr. Downi Griner, & Kathy Landwehr 

Emporia State University 

In today’s demanding, numbers driven, education environment the
need for student retention is important. Over 25% of all higher education
institutions (ESU included) utilize a split advising model where
advising is split between advising staff and faculty. The need for communication
is vital to ensure that our students have a great advising
In many situations, while advising is the primary vocation of a full-time
advisor, it Is not always the case for the faculty advisor. Attendees
will learn/share their experiences in hopes of understanding how important
it is to work closely with your faculty advisors on campus. 

It Takes a Village….Advising at Cloud County Community
College-Geary County Campus 

Cynthia Lamberty, Taryn Cipra, & Kim Wagner 
Cloud County Community College 

How do five faculty advisors successfully advise nearly 300 students
each semester? It takes a village. Faculty advisors have a lot to offer
students in experience; but they generally do not have the time to
interact with the students between appointments. We will share how
the work of faculty advisors is supplemented, supported and enhanced
by others such as student services and TRiO. This group has
come together in an organic way to reach a diverse student population
which includes students who are first generation, first-time college,
non-traditional, military, transfer and international. Their enrollments
include online and face-to-face schedules.
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