Call for Proposals

2024 conference proposals due by August 11.

KAAN encourages timely, creative and innovative proposals. Session formatting is at the discretion of the presenter; however, we do ask that you include time for questions and answers.

All accepted presenters will have the opportunity to submit handouts and visual aids electronically, and have them published to the KAAN website prior to the conference.

Submit your proposal online.

Conference Format

There will be three-four concurrent time slots of 50 minutes in length each.
Proposals that address topics within the broad arena of academic advising will be considered; the theme of the conference is not meant to be limiting.

Below are some suggested topics:

Leadership & supervision Plan B student advising
Training & development Peer advising programs
Improving advising processes New advising professionals
Using technology in advising Non-traditional students
Ethics & legal issues in advising Deciding students
Effective advising skills/methods Transfer students
Caseload/workload management Student-athlete advising
Probation programs  

Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Connection to contemporary academic advising issues in higher education.
  • The clarity and quality of the ideas to be presented in the session.

Note: If proposing more than one session, please use a separate form for each proposal.

Instructions for Call for Proposals Submission

  • You must complete all items on the online proposal form. Incomplete submissions will not be considered. If you have difficulty submitting your application online, contact KAAN at
  • Submissions should be submitted in plain text, without bullets or special characters.
  • Deadline to submit your proposal is August 11, 2024.

Understanding the Application Form

Note: If proposing more than one session, please use a separate form for each proposal.

Title: Provide the complete title for your proposal. Titles do not have to tie into the conference theme. Titles should be easy to understand and should be descriptive of the content covered in your presentation.

Presentation Track: Each presenter should choose the track that best fits their proposal. Tracks are used to assist attendees in deciding which presentations will best fit their needs.

Presentation Topic/Track Options:

  • Advisor Development
  • Advising Special Populations (i.e.Student-Athletes, Honors, International, Distance Education, Students with Disabilities)
  • Other (i.e.Technology in Advising, Assessment of Advising, Ethics or Legal Issues, Advising Techniques, Peer Advising)

Lead Presenter Information: The lead presenter will be the main contact for the proposal. Make sure to include the name, institution, phone number (with area code) and email of any co-presenters.

Co-presenter Information: List only co-presenters that will be at the conference and assisting you in the presentation of the session. Make sure to include the name, institution, phone number (with area code) and email of any co-presenters.

Audio/Visual Request: KAAN will provide projectors and screens for all presentation rooms. Laptops are the responsibility of the presenter.

Audience: Indicate the type of audience your presentation will be geared towards (i.e. faculty advisors, professional advisors, administration).

Proposal with learning outcomes for attendees: The proposal should state the purpose and learning outcomes of the presentation and how these learning outcomes will be met (materials, methods, activities, etc.).

Abstract of proposed session: Abstracts will be used in the conference program and are limited to 100 words. Please submit abstracts in plain text. Bullets, bolding and other special emphasis will not be printed in the conference program. Remember, abstracts are used by conference attendees to determine which sessions best fit their needs. Accurate descriptions are appreciated.

Things to Remember

  • All presenters will have the opportunity to submit electronic versions of handouts and other presentation materials prior to the conference. Materials published to the Kansas Academic Advising Network website will be public, therefore it is not required that presenters submit electronic materials.
  • If your proposal is accepted, you will be notified by September 3 via email. 
  • All presenters and co-presenters must register for the conference and pay the conference registration fee.
  • If your proposal is accepted and you cancel after September 10, it is considered to be a failure to meet your agreement with KAAN. This will result in future presentation proposals not being considered for the next 3 years.
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